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Immune System Booster | Immune Booster Shot Drink

Immune System Booster | Immune Booster Shot Drink

Boost Your Immune System Fast How To Make Immune System Shot drink. 

Hi guys.We're going to explain how to boost your immune system fast and how to make immune system shot drink, we've compiled this recipe using some of the most powerful and natural everyday
Ingredients available incorporating top Super Foods to give your body and instant Health boost.
first explain the ingredients were going to use and their respective health benefits, and then we're explain how to make the immune system shot drink 
This one is going to be highly highly beneficial 



 Garlic is known to boost the function of the immune system and has been shown to reduce the symptoms of the common cold. Garlic helps relieve congestion in both the lungs and sinuses and can also combat upper respiratory infections.

And interestingly garlic also does something that antibiotics cannot garlic can increase your immune system activity. It can increase the natural killer cells of the immune system garlic contains complex carbohydrates and proteins that improve both your physical performance and also your mental health 

The garlic is also high in vitamins and minerals such as physical the sodium potassium magnesium and Allison it also has antioxidant anti-inflammatory and antimicrobial properties. 


 Ginger has a very long history of using both traditional and alternative medicine and it's been used to help digestion reduce nausea and also help fight the common cold and other illnesses and it also gives the immune booster shot a little zing and enhances the flavor 

Ginger has many beneficial qualities. It's packed full of antioxidants that prevent or slow damage to cells caused by free radicals. It also has anti-inflammatory antimicrobial properties furthermore Ginger also has anti-carcinogenic qualities which basically means it can have a positive effect on helping to fight cancer


  Cayenne has many health benefits due to its active component capsicum became hates the body to sweat out toxins. And since it has both antibiotic and antifungal properties. It is also a powerful immune booster and it can boost metabolism. Lower blood pressure and better still adds a super twist to the flavor of the shot.


 Now if we talk about Super Foods, then turmeric has to be included and the main compound in turmeric is called curcumin and its a powerful antioxidants and antioxidants are very important because they protect your body for free radicals and additionally coconut boosts the activity of your body's own antioxidant enzymes in that way Kirkman delivers. Almost a double blow against free radicals block some directly and then stimulates your body's own antioxidant defenses. Furthermore turmeric also has very strong anti-inflammatory properties Studies have shown that turmeric can actually be as effective as some other anti-inflammatory drugs such as aspirin and ibuprofen about the side effects 

black pepper

Black pepper and curcumin the main active ingredient turmeric is poorly absorbed into the bloodstream. So what we recommend doing is actually add in some black pepper to the shot black pepper contains paper in which is a natural substance that enhances the absorption of curcumin

By over two thousand percent  

Honey - honey, is rich in antioxidants and is often used to soothe sore throats. It will also add a natural sweetness to the drink 


  Lemon juice is both low in sugar and also full of nutrients the furthermore. Lemons are loaded with antioxidants vitamin C antibiotic phytonutrients and also B vitamins and the citric acid in lemon. Also AIDS digestion whilst ascorbic acid fights damaging free radicals.

Apple cider vinegar

 Apple cider vinegar can kill harmful bacteria and it has various beneficial Health properties, including both antimicrobial and antioxidant effects. It's a natural antiseptic and a worthy addition to our health drink. 


 Orange juice is naturally high in vitamin C folate and potassium as well as being a great source of antioxidants and obvious juice has long been associated with health and wellness and including in our shot recipe
also adds a great underlying base flavor


 We have included in our recipe for several reasons primarily pineapple contains Promenade, which is a protein digestive enzyme that bolster supplier of its physical see content to help clear respiratory congestion suppress coughs loosen mucus and also flush out toxins, and it can reduce swelling and bloating and stimulate circulation. So it really provides Deep dive detox. and of course also pineapple introduces a slightly triangle twist to the shot and further enhances fruit mix flavor.


 We recommend using the Himalayan pink salt which comes from ancient sea bass in the Himalayan mountains with their pink color attributed to their Rich iron content. This saw is in fact quite rich in minerals. It contains all 84 essential Trace elements required by the body amongst. Everything is Pink So can promote blood sugar health and maintain healthy pH levels in yourselves. 

Warm Water

 Last but not least. We need to include a little warm water as well. Simply to assist with dissolving the honey and salt how to make

so we recommend that you always use fresh ingredients wherever possible in order to obtain the maximum health benefit ingredients immune system shot drink and to make the shot drink. We recommend the following ingredients

1 clove of garlic
1/2 a teaspoon of ginger.
pinch of cayenne pepper
1/2 teaspoon turmeric
Pinch black pepper
A tablespoon of Honey
The juice of one whole lemon 
A tablespoons of apple cider vinegar which needs to be organic with the mother the juice of one whole orange

The juice from a couple slices of pineapple pinch of pink Himalayan salt and two tablespoons of water 

Step 1

Mince the garlic preferably with a garlic press and then set aside for 10 minutes and what the ten minute waiting period will do it allows the enzyme within the garlic which is called ananias to convert into allicin, which is responsible for the strong Aroma and the activity of fresh garlic. 

so basically the waiting period will help to increase the potency of garlic 

Step 2 

Boil some water and then allow it to cool until it's lukewarm and then whisk together the water with the honey the turmeric the salt until the honey mixture of really becomes quite smooth and all the ingredients are dissolved and well Blended

Step 3

After the 10 minute waiting period for the garlic has collapsed at the garlic and any of the remaining ingredients to the mixture and whisk it all together 

Step 4 

Drink Immediately 

Now whilst ingredients will be most potent when they're fresh you can like this in slightly larger quantities and then store in the fridge for 2 to 3 days. This immune boosting drink is not only full of super healthy and cold fighting immune boosting ingredients, 

But actually tastes quite good as well in the honey adds a natural Sweetness in the ginger and the lemon and the cayenne pepper all provide a wonderful zing and it's really really a nice healthy drink.



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