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Food Safety | During A Power Outage

Food Safety | During A Power Outage

What happens while keeping food materials when refrigerator is in off condition?

your fridge and freezer are very useful in keeping foods fresh and limiting the growth of harmful bacteria that can make you sick or what do you do when the lights go out.

remember it's really important to keep the fridge and freezer as cold for as long as possible. 

Also See This - Benefits Of Garlic Water and And Let's Know About How To Make Garlic Water.

So limit opening both the fridge and freezer a full unopened freezer keep foods frozen for up to two days and the not open fridge can keep food cool for up to four hours. 

After four hours you want to transfer foods that spoil faster like meat Dairy and cheeses into a cooler with ice. 

You want to keep that cooler under five degrees Celsius. You can do that by measuring what a food thermometer if you don't have a food thermometer, just make sure that the foods are as cold to the touch because long as possible 
If you're really ensure just throw it out 

If the power returns don't just put all the food back to the fridge or freezer. 

Some items may have spoiled and will be unsafe to eat
Remember not all spoiled food will look or smell bad. 
So what can I keep it what needs to be thrown out? 

If your frozen foods are still icy. They could be frozen any unopened condiments musters, catch up, some salad dressings also be returned to the fridge 

Whole fruits and vegetables being kept at room temperature things. They don't need to be discarded. 

However, sliced fruit and cooked vegetables, Should be thrown out.

Meat, soft cheeses, creamy dressings open sauces and even leftovers that have been at room temperature more than two hours, should be thrown in the garbage if you're not sure how long the food has been at room temperature its probably safer to throw it out . 
Remember not all spoiled food will smell or look bad.
when in doubt throw it.


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