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Benefits Of Drinking Lemon Water | नीबू पानी पीने के फायदे

Benefits Of Drinking Lemon Water  क्या निम्बू पानी पीना आपके लिए ज्यादा से ज्यादा अच्छा है अब लोग रोजाना निम्बू पानी पी रहे हैं लेकिन क्या निम्बू पानी वास्तव में आपके लिए अच्छा है। चलिए देखते हैं। hydration हाइड्रेशन क्योंकि नींबू पानी में पानी होता है।  तुरंत एक हाइड्रेशन लाभ है जैसा कि कुछ लोग सादे पानी का स्वाद पसंद नहीं करते हैं, नींबू उसमें मिला लेते हैं  Vitamin C विटामिन सी नींबू एक खट्टे फल और विटामिन सी में उच्च है एक नींबू का रस लगभग 18 मिलीग्राम विटामिन सी प्रदान करता है वयस्कों के लिए अनुशंसित दैनिक राशि 65 से 90 मिलीग्राम है। विटामिन सी एक प्राथमिक एंटीऑक्सिडेंट है जो कोशिकाओं को मुक्त कणों को नुकसान पहुंचाने से बचाने में मदद करता है विटामिन सी ठंड के लक्षणों से निपटने में मदद करता है। यह हृदय रोग और स्ट्रोक और निम्न रक्तचाप के आपके जोखिम को भी कम कर सकता है Digestive System पाचन तंत्र सुबह गर्म नींबू पानी पीने से आपके पाचन तंत्र को चलने में मदद मिल सकती है। कुछ लोग कब्ज को रोकने में मदद करने क...

Top 10 Dog breeds | Expensive and Dangerous Dog breeds

Top 10 Dog breeds  Everyone is fond of keeping and is considered the world's favourite pet dog. But do you know that there are many dog ​​breeds which are very dangerous and they have been banned in many countries.  1. Pitbull Pitbull is one of the most dangerous dig breed in the world.  It was named Pitbull because it was used for landing and fighting on pits. But raising them is not an easy task.  Pitbull has killed 257 people in the United States. Which is the highest in any topic. Their height is 50 cm and weight is up to 30 kg. By the way, its height and weight are less than others.  But this does not make it any less dangerous, it is forbidden to do such waste in America and it is banned in many countries including UK. 2.Rottweiler Rottweiler as seen in photos. Many times more dangerous than that, it is said that its teeth and body are the most powerful of all dog breeds. If you catch something with your teeth, ...

Immune System Booster | Immune Booster Shot Drink

Boost Your Immune System Fast H ow To Make Immune System Shot drink.  Hi guys. We're going to explain how to boost your immune system fast and how to make immune system shot drink, we've compiled this recipe using some of the most powerful and natural everyday Ingredients available incorporating top Super Foods to give your body and instant Health boost. first explain the ingredients were going to use and their respective health benefits, and then we're explain how to make the immune system shot drink  This one is going to be highly highly beneficial  Ingredients .  GARLIC  Garlic is known to boost the function of the immune system and has been shown to reduce the symptoms of the common cold. Garlic helps relieve congestion in both the lungs and sinuses and can also combat upper respiratory infections. And interestingly garlic also does something that antibiotics cannot garlic can increase your immune system activity. It can ...