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Technology and Environment | Awareness

Use of modern technology improve the environment awareness

Technology and Environment | Awareness

When we think about climate change solutions we know about solar panels and windmills electric cars, energy efficiency all those kind of things but There are also some very exciting new technologies. Just out over the horizon. That might help us combat global warming as well.

There's a really cool idea of artificial leaves using you biotechnology and create things draw carbon dioxide out of the atmosphere turn it directly into fuel. That we can burn in our vehicles.
that would be amazing or a building that achieves basically net-zero waste by recycling reusing all of its materials and all of the things taht normally flow out of a building into landfill.

Or a building that generates more electricity than it consumes inside the building sending that energy back out into the grid.

Great ideas, or ideas that what are called hyperloops where we can have more credible high-speed transit with little pods elevated by magnets. Don't even touch the ground

Inside Giant tubes are have a vacuum with no wind  resistance at all moving at hundreds of miles per hour. 

These could use, like, 95,99 percent less energy than the way we move stuff and  people today.

They could be radically Fast, sending people from San Francisco to LA in minutes.

  not hours and hours waiting at the airport.

  I can't wait for this to happen, that'd be fantastic

But i want to urge a little bit of caution.

I can't wait for the future to get to work on climate change. We got to do stuff now that we can do today while we're waiting for those other Solutions to come on board. 

So artificial leaves great, 
But we already have actual leaves today. 

So while scientists are working to take these artificial leaves that can make jet fuel you know artificial photosynthesis. Lets plant some tree out there in yhe real real world right now And get our Agriculture and Forestry practices to be better. 

Let's plant trees throughout our cities. Which also suck up CO2 out of the atmosphere and they also keep cities cool by shading the landscape. 

We also have the ability to reduce energy use right here right now by changing our lighting and tightning up over buildings using less energy. Overall. Those things have been around for decades. 

Let's make sure we're using those tools as well. And while I love the idea of new electric cars and hyperloops, very high tech high efficiency Transportation. 

Can we do more telecommuting telepresence doing have to always go to work every day commuting or do we have to go to that conference in the airplane? Maybe we just use Virtual communication and teleconferencing too does another drawn in solution. 

So why don't we pick those low hanging fruits are available right now today while we're waiting those other fruits to kind of ripen on the upper branches of the tree a little hit longer 

So if we rethink the whole act of transportation deciding to go on that trip in the first place we could achieve tremendous Savings of time, energy, money and greenhouse gases helping to make the world better.



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