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Top 10 Dog breeds | Expensive and Dangerous Dog breeds

Top 10 Dog breeds

 Everyone is fond of keeping and is considered the world's favourite pet dog. But do you know that there are many dog ​​breeds which are very dangerous and they have been banned in many countries. 

1. Pitbull

Pitbull is one of the most dangerous dig breed in the world. 

It was named Pitbull because it was used for landing and fighting on pits. But raising them is not an easy task. 

Pitbull has killed 257 people in the United States. Which is the highest in any topic. Their height is 50 cm and weight is up to 30 kg. By the way, its height and weight are less than others. 
But this does not make it any less dangerous, it is forbidden to do such waste in America and it is banned in many countries including UK.


Rottweiler as seen in photos. Many times more dangerous than that, it is said that its teeth and body are the most powerful of all dog breeds. If you catch something with your teeth,

 it keeps thier body swing but does not leave it 47 people have lost their lives in America due to the rottweiler.

Yet there has been no decrease in the number of those who raise them. It becomes aggressive if owners take care of rottweiler. Their height is 70 cm.

 But friends, even at such a low height, they would weigh 60 kg. From this, it can be estimated how powerful they are. 


Doberman - if you are around doberman then you should take care of your safety. Because they are most loyal to their owner and attack even in the face of danger.

Because of their loyalty, they are used like guard dogs in many places. This much from the body Muscular thier height 70 cm. But they lose weight, they can run very fast due to low weight .

They have been banned in many countries and special arrangements have to be made before being transported in many countries.

4.Great Dane

Great Dane Dog Breeds of Dogs are the largest in the world and its huge body makes it powerful and aggressive, its height is 85 cm and weight is 90 kg.

  dog breeds are not so aggressive by nature but they attack as soon as the danger is realized. Their training is not so difficult and they can be easily done.

 Because it only happens in some countries of Europe. Its price is also very high.


boxer dogs are used as worker guard dogs and this is a sign of their sensibility.

Highly loyal and the height of  Boxer Dog is 60 cm and weight is up to 30 kg and not only their food is very expensive. Rather, exercise them for more than 1 hour every day. The boxer is weakened and is told to keep away from children.

Because its nature is very aggressive and in anger it does not recognize anyone,

6.German shephard

German shephard-  german Shepherd among the world's most dangerous dogs.

 They are most loyal to the master. But if they feel threatened by anyone, they do not stop at all to attack them, they are brought up in every corner of the world.

 But if not waste, they are very dangerous, their height is 65 cm and weight is up to 40 kg.

7.Wolf hybrid

Wolf hybrid it is frocked with dog breed bridge. And so are found in Germany and European countries and are very dangerous by nature.

 By the way, they can be trained. But doing so is a very difficult task. If it seems that there is nothing and being snatched like this then it becomes very aggressive and does not even recognize its owner.

 Wolf hybrid requires at least 1 hour of exercise,

8.Chow Chow 

Chow Chow is very cute in appearance. But if these are but if they not get proper attention then they becomes angry, especially due  thier beautiful hairs.
 Thier height of 55 centimeters is 32 kg.

9.Dogo Argentino

Dogo Argentino banned in the UK and many surrounding countries.

These dogs were hunted in the olden times and were also fed a game of mutual fighting.

It is so dangerous by nature that it is very difficult to domesticate them.

 Dogo argentino is so powerful that it alone can hunt wild boar and was already used for it. Their height is 70 cm and weight 45 kg. 

10.Japanese tosa

The Japanese tosa - friends, these dogs have been questioned for bloody games in Japan for centuries and are therefore very difficult to domesticate.

It is the only breed cutoff and is famous for fighting. The barking sound of these dogs is also very scary, many special precautions have to be taken even when transported to other countries.

 So one kilo of meat can be eaten in 1 day. Its maintenance can be heavy on your pocket.

 The height of Japanese dosa is 82 cm and it weighs up to 60 kg.

By the way, all these dog breeds are very dangerous. But with the right care and love, they prove to be very loyal.


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